Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region (SHEBA)

Container ship (Graphic: HZG/Gorick)
The Baltic Sea is subject to intense shipping, about 15% of the global seaborne trade and it is hypothesised that shipping is significantly affecting the Baltic Sea environment. SHEBA brings together lead experts from the fields of ship emissions, atmospheric, acoustic and oceanic modelling, atmospheric and marine chemistry, marine ecology, environmental economics, social sciences, logistics and environmental law in order to provide an integrated and in-depth analysis of the ecological, economic and social impacts of shipping in the Baltic Sea and to support development of the related policies on EU, Baltic Sea region, national and local levels.
The project will analyse the drivers for shipping, obtain the present and future traffic volumes and calculate a set of scenarios which will then feed into calculations of emissions to water, to air, and of underwater noise using and extending the currently most advanced emission model based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) ship movement data.
Further, the project will provide an integrated (ecological, economic, and social) assessment of policy options to mitigate pressures linked to shipping, quantifying as far as possible anticipated changes in ecosystem services (compared to an established baseline).
+++ BONUS SHEBA Information and Dissemination +++
Access the BONUS SHEBA Information Portal here!
The BONUS SHEBA information and dissemination portal has been set up to provide for those interested in the shipping and environment topic an overview on the BONUS SHEBA foci along with selected results presented in form of storylines and spotlights.
Information Portal

Funders of the BONUS call 2014: Sustainable ecosystem projects

Innovation Fund Denmark
Estonian Research Council
Academy of Finland
Forschungszentrum Jülich Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (Germany)
Research Council of Lithuania
National Centre for Research and Development (Poland)
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
Aix-Marseille Université (France)
Sheba is an affiliated project of Baltic Earth